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The Gnome Manuscript Part III: The Gnome Compendium -Excerpts of the Works
  • The Gnome Manuscript Part III: The Gnome Compendium -Excerpts of the Works

    Phenominal Books by wilmar Taal. Books contain detailed images as well as great content. This listing is for Part III, The Gnome Compendium. Links to Part I and Part II are noted below.


    The Gnome Manuscript series has enchanted many curious people around the world with its mixture of myth, magick and folklore, all captured in the wonderful drawings and handwriting by J.H.W. Eldermans. This third and final instalment of The Gnome Manuscript, The Gnome Compendium – Exerts of the Works of J.H.W. Eldermans, will focus on the miscellaneous writings concerning ‘little people’ by J.H.W. Eldermans.


    Where the first part focused more on culture and habits, the second part on magic concerning gnomes, this part will bring you first hand eye witness accounts of people who actually saw or even were in contact with gnomes. We will look to people associated with gnomes, but also to folklore and mythology and the leftovers, the writings that could not fit any category, but deal with gnomes nevertheless. A fascinating study comes to a surprising conclusion.


    There are 3 books to the "The Gnome Manuscripts" series:



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