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Neuronomicon -A 21st Century Grimoire -Book by Nathaniel Harris
  • Neuronomicon -A 21st Century Grimoire -Book by Nathaniel Harris

    The Nueronomicon - A 21st Century Grimoire

    Nathaniel is an exceptional teacher, author, and magician of many traditions. This book is expansive in information and crucial for this age.


    "The Neuronomicon represents the first genuine advance in the technology of magick in 100 years, and is possibly the most powerful grimoire currently available in the West without clearance from the government. The essence of its model originates with mind-scientists working in secretive military programs concerned with the development of psychic abilities such as remote viewing and influence. I am indebted to all those involved in leaking this information, and to those who joined me in experimenting with the theory and merging it with traditional magick."


    Expansive overview of the book HERE


    More about Nathaniel Harris HERE



    An absolute favorite teacher, author & practitioner of mine, Nathaniel Harris. He has also played a pivitol role in exposing Satanic Ritual Abuse in his hometown of Bristol, England as well as bringing awareness to the U.S. and beyond. His history, knowledge and expertise is very very broad...


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