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Incense & Prayer Card:  Pan, Dark Fae, Kybele & Hekate Einalia

Incense & Prayer Card: Pan, Dark Fae, Kybele & Hekate Einalia

Includes a Jar of Incense & Prayer Card. Crafted & Illustrated by Trickster's Apothecary. Incense can be uses with charcoal, an incese burner or drizzled on a strong open flame. Prayer cards can be used in the same way saint prayer cards are used in folk magic, as well as for using the image as a focus in meditation and the prayer for communion


Each of the condensed descriptions below are taken from the Trickster's Apothecary. For more information on any of the offerings including the Prayer Cards, or if you want to see what other deity incense they offer besides the one below you can visit Trickster's Apothecary website here.




Hekate Einalia

Dark Fae




"Pan, God of the Wilds. Handcrafted with wild blueberry, horny goat weed, goat rue, wild cherry bark, juniper berries, Western red cedar, and elderflower. This incense is heavily honey cured, in a style inspired by kyphi incense, with honey included as an offering. It was compressed into an even layer and allowed to cure for a lunar cycle. This incense is unique in our collection; its heavy honey content allowed it to still be moldable after curing. It was then formed by hand into the shape of an almond, as we were taught by our spiritual incense teachers, the Gallae (the priestexes of Kybele). Each tin contains 7 large incense 'pellets' that can be crumbled before use or used whole."



"The oceanic face of Hekate, Our Lady of Deep, Dark Waters. Made with powdered Irish sea moss, kelp, bull kelp, juniper berries, bittersweet nightshade leaf (safe for inhalation), sea salt, and benzoin. To fully call in the oceanic quality of Hekate, this incense was washed with orange blossom water to call in seaside grove and introduce a further oceanic quality through the inclusion of water. The incense was then pressed into an even layer and marked with the strophalos, Hekate's sacred symbol, and allowed to bake off all moisture under the heat of the fading summer sun. It smells beautifully of the seaside, transporting you directly to Hekate Einalia's realm, when burned."



"Dark Fae, also known as the Fae of the Mound, dokkalfar, svaltalfar, Unseelie, and many other titles. They are found in many cultures, with each version unique but sharing connections with their other Dark Fae cousins. These intermediary spirits, somewhere between mortals and gods, are known for their mischief, ties to the ancestors, the household, and burial sites such as mounds. Many are less than friendly to humans, but make fierce allies to those who befriend them. They're often associated with the Dark Time of Year, with the Unseelie Court thought to begin their reign at Samhain and yield their throne to the Seelie Court at Beltane. They are also often linked with the Wild Hunt that occurs around the Yule/New Year's season. Made with Irish sea moss, cedar tips, mistletoe, elderflower, Icelandic moss, juniper berries, pine needles, rose petals, red clover, and black pepper. This incense is honey cured in a style reminiscent of kyphi incense. Honey, included as an offering, is blended by hand evenly into the incense before it's compressed into an even layer and allowed to cure for a lunar cycle."



"Mother of Gods and Goddess of Divine Madness. This incense was made with the guidance of the Gallae, the trans priestexes of Kybele. It’s designed to craft the same sacred temple space her priestexes once would have called in to honor the Mother of Gods. It includes offerings historically sacred to her, such as almonds and pine cones, alongside additional offerings to further call in her presence. It is honey cured, similar to kyphi incense, with honey included as an offering to Kybele herself. Made with rose petals, cinnamon, juniper berries, almonds, pine cones, frankincense and dragons blood."


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